Thursday, May 15, 2008

Nightime acrobatics

Eli woke up last night about 15 minutes after I fell into a deep sleep. I tried to nurse him back to sleep but my impatience about getting back to bed meant he was put in his crib before he fell asleep.


I then thought it would be a great idea if he fell asleep on his own and so I lay down on the floor next to the crib and waited. And waited.

Eli turned himself around 360 degrees. Stuck his legs between the crib bars and wriggled them up and down. Then he stuck his hand out and shook it. It looked like he was waving to me. I was giggling into the blanket it was so funny. Then he rolled himself onto his stomach, tried to roll back and couldn't. He got mad and started screaming. I rolled him back over, and I kept trying to calm him down but it wasn't working.

Then Michael crawled into the nursery to find out what all the commotion was about. He scared me half to death because I didn't see him at first. He couldn't figure out what I was doing.

And really, I couldn't figure out the point of it all when 2 hours later he still wasn't asleep.

I nursed him back to sleep again. Ah, the sleep saga continues...

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