Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Large milk, please!

It seems that every time Eli cries in the night, his mouth is right next to the baby monitor that is hanging off his crib. It doesn't matter if we put him down at the far end of the crib, on the opposite end from where the baby monitor hangs. It doesn't matter if he has to turn 180 degrees and scoot two feet to get to the monitor, that is where he starts his middle-of-the-night crying.

Michael and I have a theory about this: We think he has taken notice of all the drive-thru fast-food joints around here, and he thinks he will get better service if he is right next to the speaker. And at 3 a.m., it does sound like he is yelling, "LARGE MILK, please. Did you hear me? Do I need to re-order my meal? I said, LARGE MILK. Could you step on it???"

The thing is, he does get faster service when he is that close to the baby monitor. I just shoot right out of bed.

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