Monday, June 14, 2010

Cuz why

Eli is in the full-fledged "why" stage. He asks why after just about every statement, joke, question, command, etc. I really didn't think it would hit this early, and it can get quite frustrating. Like our friend Jeremy said, I end up answering Eli's "Why?" with "Because of the explanation I just gave you." Really, trying to preempt a "why" is like trying to get your 2-year-old to wear his rain boots when it is actually raining and wet.

So, part of my dealing with "why" is asking Eli "why." He always starts his explanation with "Cuz why..." It is one of my favorite things to hear him say :) And his explanations are quite funny. When he hit my arm the other day, I asked him sternly, "Why did you hit me?" He said, "Cuz why it's bad." And when I asked him again, he said, "Cuz why it's not good."

Tonight he was helping me peel hard-boiled eggs. He told me he liked the white ones better than the brown ones. I asked "Why?" He said, "Cuz why the white ones are good."

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