Thursday, June 3, 2010


Eli and I usually take a bath together in the big bathtub upstairs. We play with his animals, boats and Playmobil people. He is usually very animated: splashing, pretending to be a whale (and squirting water from his mouth) or telling a story about what's going on with his animals in the tub. For Eli, getting clean is not the objective of his bath. And Mama has to clean him surreptitiously or I get yelled at: "Don't wash me!"

The past two baths he has been very interested in cleaning though. He wants full control of the soap and the sponge. He washes himself (or at least certain parts of himself) and wants to wash Mama's back. He scrubs and scrubs my back (it must get very dirty during the day!) and then says, "I'm washing the germs off, Mama!" I asked him how many germs there were. He said, definitively: "Five."

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