Monday, October 6, 2008

NW Kids Club

Eli tried out the NW Kids Club today. It is an indoor playpark that has a huge sandbox, tricycles, a slide and playground area. In the infant area, there are soft cushions to roll around on and infant-sized toys. Stefanie and Alex met us there. And I ran into Brandi and her son Tiernan -- Brandi was in my ball-bouncing mamas exercise class last summer when I was pregnant.

Eli had a blast playing with new toys and I had fun getting out of the house. Eli gets bored and cranky when he is in our house a lot so it is good to know there are some places to take him this winter. The only thing is the cost: $5.50 to get in. Ugh. I think they run coupons a lot so I am going to have to search for those :)

Eli is getting really good at high-fives. It is so amazing to see how he learns things like that. I am hoping he starts learning some of the signs I am trying to teach him: so far I've used the signs for water and milk with him.

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