Monday, August 4, 2008

Sitting up, chewing on socks and perhaps some new teeth

I had to change Eli's crib sheet the other day because he wet the bed. I thought his crib looked so cute I had to take a photo.

He is doing a great job sitting up these days. We've been stacking up soft blocks and knocking them over. For the first time today it seemed like he was trying to knock them over, instead of reaching for one and then accidentally toppling the stack. He was having a good time and I couldn't even get a tall stack going -- he was one step ahead of me.

This afternoon when I needed to put some laundry away in our bedroom, I threw Eli a pair of his socks to amuse him for a second. He loved them! He was chewing on one end and pulling on the other end. Of course, his sock was soaked with drool in about 10 minutes but Eli didn't mind. He was having so much fun I was even able to read him two stories without him trying to put the books in his mouth :)

He's been pretty cranky the last two days and I think he is close to getting some new teeth. At least I hope that's what is going on or else that's just his personality coming out :)

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