Thursday, June 19, 2008

A hard day

Eli had a hard day today. He couldn't stay asleep long enough to feel calm and happy. He took a 30-minute nap in the morning and then we played for a little bit. Then he took another 30-minute nap, which was way too short for his mid-afternoon nap.

When Michael came home in the afternoon, Eli seemed very happy to see him. Michael was holding him and Eli was smiling until Michael --who was being silly and teasing me about going to work -- jokingly said something like, "You have a bad mommy, don't you?" Eli promptly burst into tears in protest of Daddy slandering Mama. It was very funny.

Michael and I just noticed that Eli is doing this really cute thing these days: putting his head down on our shoulder when we carry him. He can hold his head up really well now, and his back is super strong, so when we carry him with one arm under his bottom, he usually sits up and looks around the entire time. But sometimes he rests his head on our shoulders. It makes us melt whenever he does it.

In general, Eli is so much more aware of what is going on around him. He will cry if I leave the room. He reaches out to touch EVERYTHING that I am holding or that is near him. When I turn on the faucet to wash his hands after eating, he is leaning over to get his hands under the flow. And when I take something away from him, he gets upset. It wasn't too long ago that he wasn't doing any of those things. I can't believe how fast babies learn....

Sleep update: Eli has been amazing. Now that I started feeding him 3 solid meals a day, he sleeps for at least 5 hours in a row. Last night he only woke once -- at 3 a.m. and then slept until 7:20 a.m. We feel so much better and Eli seems to feel better too. Of course, during the day we feel like we are trying to fatten up a pig with the way we feed him, but every bite gives us an extra 5 minutes of sleep, so it is worth it :)

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