Friday, November 25, 2011

Conversations with Eli

Multiple jobs
Today, Eli used Mama's camera to take pictures while we were at the park. After awhile he said that he was good at taking pictures.

Eli: "I want to be a picture taker when I grow up."

Mama: "Oh great. You want to be a photographer. That's a fun job!"

Eli: "Yeah, but I want to be a paleontologist too. So you know what I am going to do? I am going to take pictures of dinosaur bones!"

A new porch
On a walk in a different neighborhood, Mama sees a house she loves -- mainly because of its wraparound porch.

Mama: "Oh Eli, I love this house. Look at that porch!"

Eli: "We have a porch."

Mama: "No, we have a patio and a deck in the backyard, but we don't have a porch."

Eli, very serious: "OK Mama. How about this? Daddy and I go to the basement and get tools and then we build you a porch?"

Mama: "I would like that very much Eli."

Eli: "For real, Mama. How about we do that for real?"

Wearing skin
While dancing in the living room with Mama and Eli, Ewan sits down to take his socks off.

Mama: "Oh your feet are hot? You want to take your socks off, Ewan?"

Eli: "Yeah, take your socks off Ewan. You can just wear your skin! See, I'm wearing my skin!"

Learning is fun!
Eli, jumping up and down in the kitchen: "Mama, Mama, guess what I learned today?"

Mama, laughing: "What?"

Eli: "I learned that the sun is a STAR! It is the closest star to us. Can you believe that?!?"

1 comment:

Stephanie Matlock Allen said...

Ha ha, your kid is adorable :)