Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Darn those back teeth, holding hands and picking berries

Eli is getting in some big bad back teeth and he is having a terrible time. His fever skyrocketed this weekend, he's drooling a river every day, he is super cranky without medicine, he wakes up several times a night and he doesn't want to eat much. It just started on Saturday so I hoping he gets some relief soon. Can you keep your child on Ibuprofin permanently?

Even with the teeth issue, Eli has had some great moments. When I dropped him at the Y this morning, he didn't want to go. He was hanging on my leg and whining. But then his teacher said, "OK, Eli, we are going to the gym. You need a partner. Can you take Adelaide's hand?" And he nodded yes, walked over to Adelaide and took her hand. Then the class walked out the door, hand-in-hand, to the gym. I saw that same thing happen last week when Eli took Alex's hand. It is so adorable.

Then tonight after dinner, Eli, Mama and Daddy went for a walk down "blackberry lane," which is an alley near our house with blackberries growing. Eli likes to pick them and eat them and get purple juice all over his face. We met another family with two little girls -- ages 3 and 5 -- and they loved Eli. They kept picking blueberries and raspberries and feeding them to him.

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